Monday, 19 August 2013


1) 'I write what I feel. I kind of think that if you don't write what you want then what's the point of writing? Sticking to conventions...I tried that and my writing stank,'

So says Tony Aycliffe, the writer character in the opening story, 'The First Day.' Like many people, I feel that I most definitely have a 'multi-layered,' personality - perhaps more than most, who knows!

My creation of Tony Aycliffe explores the small part of me that would love to DROP EVERYTHING and just WRITE (whether this would actually make somebody a better writer or not, is open to debate by the way - but i digress!).

His quote above of 'writing what you feel/not sticking to conventions' is something I very much believe in (so long as the writing in question is good! ;-)) and is certainly true of a story such as 'One More Hand' - which is taken almost entirely from dictaphone recordings, and explores three distinct, and very different, emotions: i) downtrodden/pissed off/irritated; ii) euphoric; iii) laid-back/going with the flow; all felt in a short period of time in Las Vegas.

This story doesn't really follow any so called 'short story conventions' that i know of, but - hopefully - it works on some level that readers can relate to.

2) The most common question asked to me about my book is: 'what is it like?/What writers is it similar to?' - I honestly don't know how to answer that question!

All I will say is that, to me, it is all about the writing: that is the writing ITSELF, and not so much the story. A great story helps of course! But to me, my favourite writers are ones that I can read and read and it doesn’t matter what they are writing about.
So I don’t really know ‘what writers I am like,’ but here is a list of some of my favourite Authors in no particular order.  Hopefully some of these genius writers have influenced and shaped my writing, even if it is just the tiniest bit! – Dostoyevsky, Mailer, Hunter S. Thompson, Kafka, Salinger, Twain, Orwell, Richard Price, Douglas Coupland, Victor Hugo, Henry Miller, Cervantes, Bret Easton-Ellis, Steinbeck, Nathanael West, Hemingway, Martin Amis.
ENJOY!n't even matter what they are writing about.

So I don't really know 'what writers I am like', but here is a list of my favourite Authors in no particular order. Hopefully some of these genious writers have influenced and shaped my writing, even if it is just the tiniest bit! - Dostoyevsky, Mailer, Hunter S. Thompson, Kafka, Salinger, Twain, Orwell, Richard Price, Douglas Coupland, Victor Hugo, Henry Miller, Cervantes, Bret Easton Ellis, Steinbeck, Nathanael West, Hemingway, Martin Amis.
n't even matter what they are writing about.

So I don't really know 'what writers I am like', but here is a list of my favourite Authors in no particular order. Hopefully some of these genious writers have influenced and shaped my writing, even if it is just the tiniest bit! - Dostoyevsky, Mailer, Hunter S. Thompson, Kafka, Salinger, Twain, Orwell, Richard Price, Douglas Coupland, Victor Hugo, Henry Miller, Cervantes, Bret Easton Ellis, Steinbeck, Nathanael West, Hemingway, Martin Amis.ENJOYEE

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